Salish Sea, Olympic Island, Willamette Sea

The Pacific Northwest, with 215′ of sea level rise, will have new seas, a massive island containing the Olympic Mountains, and a bunch of drowned cities.

For the topography, I used a single set of digital elevation models, extracted into six different layers, then combined in Photoshop to create the effect I was after. DEM extracts for hillshade, elevation, slope, positive curvature (highlights ridgelines) and negative curvature (deepens shadows in canyons and ravines) were all combined to create the topography. Then the hydro and bathymetry were added to complete the map.

I used Tom Patterson’s method of cross-blended hypsometric tinting to render the arid inlands and the marine coast in two different color palettes.

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Pacific Northwest Sea Rise
Pacific Northwest & Salish Sea -- Buy this map