Here’s a quick one just in time for #cop21. The Archipelago of Paris.
Tag Archives: global warming
The NY Sea
Buy the maps!
With Place Names
NY Sea, With Place Names
Without Place Names
NY Sea, Without Place Names
Check out my other sea rise maps, or see the original–Burrito Justice & Brian Stokle’s map of San Francisco.
For all of these maps, I am not portraying any sea level higher than what is possible. The IPCC has estimated that the total rise would be about 66 meters.
Here’s a version without the place names:
This will happen someday, but not in our lifetimes. Some who have dared to speculate on a timeline have given themselves plenty of space for error in their predictions–one estimate says anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 years. Whatever the time frame, it is a fact that humans are speeding up this process.
Islands of Portland
Welcome to Greenhouse Earth–Portland edition. The Portland archipelago awaits your descendants.
Help keep this project going–
Buy the map.
Or purchase in-person at Beard’s Framing Shops.
Update: Someone pointed out these maps showing the Missoula floods–Very cool!
Islands of Seattle
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