The NY Sea

Buy the maps!

With Place Names

NY Sea, With Place Names


Without Place Names

NY Sea, Without Place Names


Check out my other sea rise maps, or see the original–Burrito Justice & Brian Stokle’s map of San Francisco.

For all of these maps, I am not portraying any sea level higher than what is possible. The IPCC has estimated that the total rise would be about 66 meters.

Here’s a version without the place names:

This will happen someday, but not in our lifetimes. Some who have dared to speculate on a timeline have given themselves plenty of space for error in their predictions–one estimate says anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 years. Whatever the time frame, it is a fact that humans are speeding up this process.




GeoSIMS–An Application for Interior Mapping

In my years at the University of Washington, my greatest accomplishment was envisioning, designing and managing the implementation of GeoSIMS–the Geographic Space Information Management System.

FloorPlanGISThis online application utilizes a multi-campus set of georeferenced floorplans to enable the tracking of room information. The implementation was a challenge–a  lot of different people and departments had to be brought together to make it work. Some groups were indifferent. Some were resistant. Ultimately it all came together, and the UW has a system of space tracking that is streamlined and automated.

For those of you interested in a bit more detail on the background of the program and its uses, you can download my presentation to the University for the GeoSIMS rollout (warning–10 mb Powerpoint file).